music machinery, verbal wizardry

Friday, August 15, 2008

It's been a busy couple of weeks, and now summer is almost over. Bah Bah Bah.

I saw King Khan and The Shrines a couple of weeks ago. Wanna see?

Then it was Hunter's birthday. I got him the first pressing of Scott, a beer mug with his name on it (which he drank from proudly all night,) and tickets to the Belgian Brewfest next month. I spent the first part of the day cooking up a storm in his kitchen, and then everyone came over to enjoy it. The bacon wrapped shrimp were a hit, even if I had no idea what they tasted like. And we put a bandana on Roger

We ended up at Buk's for a while too..

Last weekend I went to Baltimore for Virgin Mobile Festival..I went with my co-workers Adam and Leigh. We saw some bands in a big field. We were guests of VMU, so we were able to hang out in their giant tee-pees and eat free ice cream. It was probably the best organized, non-disgusting festivals I've gone to.. Everyone went on on-time, it wasn't too unbearably hot, and there weren't too many drunk bros stumbling around puking on my shoes. All in all, a success!

I would post pics, but my computer is being a little bitch right now, so they'll have to wait.
Update: Now with pics!

One of the stages:

Getting down to techno?

Chuck Berry (big screen):

Foo Fighters (big screen):

Bush people?

Artistic toilet shot!



Andrew Bird:

She & Him:

Wednesday night I went out with a bunch of people from work to bid goodbye to one of our own. It's quiet amazing to see like 10 loudmouths packed into a table at an intimate french restaurant, but we did it. Somehow a dinner turned into like 5 hours filled with delicious food (vegetable pate, 3 mushroom risotto, souffle dessert,) delicious drink (including champagne on the house) and some ridiculous conversation. It was great time.

Anyway, I've been working like crazy and I dont things are going to slow down anytime soon... Plus a trip to Cape Cod, Tricia visiting, a work trip to Toronto and Mom visiting are all happening in the next 6 weeks or so. My goodness, where does the time go.


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