It's my last night in 219 Harvard St. Tomorrow (sorta) I will officially be a resident of Somerville, MA. Right now my bedroom slightly resembles a crack den. There's a bare mattress on the floor and a tv and that's about it. And me, drinking some of Hunter's scotch (sorry!) and watching old episodes of Top Chef. There's no needles though. I'm not sure if crack users use needles. I haven't been watching Cops lately.
Annnyway. Bravo makes the best reality tv shows ever.
My mom is coming to visit in like 2 weeks. We're going to Maine and Sturbridge Village. I suggested Sturbridge because we went there when we took a a family trip to the East Coast when I was 13. Over two weeks, we went to three fake towns and Sturbridge was #2 on the list of top fake towns. She thought I was joking when I brought up going back there, but really, I bought the best smelling cranberry soap there and I'm hoping that they still sell it 12 years later.