music machinery, verbal wizardry

Friday, May 05, 2006


Flies are so ridiculously stupid. Seriously. There's this gigantic one repeatedly trying to escape out of the closed window in front of my desk. Every time he just bounces off.. every time he fails to notice there's an OPEN DOOR like 2 feet away. No wonder they have such short life spans. Idiots.

I went to the dentist for the 2349808 time yesterday and had to lay there with my mouth open for three hours while Edward repaired the lower right side of my mouth. Now my whole bottom row of teeth is cavity free. I just wish he hadn't JAMMED the needle into my jaw cause now I feel like I've been chewing an entire bag of Big Chew for three days or something. Damn you Edward! Also, I think it's very strange that I consistantly fall asleep in the dentist chair. I don't think it's normal. There's something about rock concerts and dentists and television that put me to sleep. Who knew?


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