music machinery, verbal wizardry

Friday, March 03, 2006

Hooray For Pop Music!

The Hopefuls were great last night, even despite there being nobody there (why does Paper make the first band go on so early when they know that people don't show up until like 11pm?). Eli, Laura and I stood in the front bouncing along and at the end of their set I leaned over and told Eli that I could probably watch them play forever and not get bored. They played a couple of unfamiliar (new?) songs, as well as the majority of Fuses Refuse to Burn. I was worried that they wouldn't be able to pull off Big Mouth without that kick ass harmonica part at the beginning, but it ended up being my favorite song of the set. I hope they come out with a new album soon... hint hint.

I've been getting tons of emails about different SXSW parties and showcases and my head is swimming. I have a feeling that I'll be taking some time this weekend to organize it all into Bethany's Ultimate SXSW Party List. I leave a week from today. I'm praying for t-shirt weather.

Check out this picture of Manchester by the Sea. Only a few more months until bikini-land!


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