music machinery, verbal wizardry

Monday, April 27, 2009

So after this weekend it's pretty apparent that a change is gonna come sooner than later. I'm still scared about leaving the last 5 years, but I think that if I'm going to make this change, I don't want to hold off much longer. There's still some planning to do (a lot actually) but things are starting to come together a bit.

I got into NYC Thursday night and didnt do much - it was a bit late, and Maria had to go show Matthew clothing she'd pulled for the Dirty Projectors video he's shooting (styling her first music video!) I stayed in and ate a sandwich.

Ended up working part of the day from the Big Hassle offices on Wall St. - we headed out a bit early to go meet Doug and take the free Staten Island ferry back and forth. It was a beautiful day and a great view

Doug and I went to some Red Sox bar (I was duped) and then I headed to the les to meet up with Heather and her friends.. then it was the end of a soccer game, back to maria's and out again. Maybe we shouldn't have gone out to eat after we've had some beers because we may have ordered every unhealthy thing on the menu all at once. Whoops.

The next day we met up with Brooke, Heather and Loryn for a 2-3 hour brunch - which honestly was the best. They're some of my closest lady friends and they were all in one spot.

We took Newton to the dog park (one of my favorite activities) and I met up with Nika for a bit..

Then vintage store, then naptime, and finally back out that evening to les for a show and a party. With a drum?

Sure loved that drum..

We rolled home late (er, early?) - and then it was french brunch with Brooke and Justin. Ooo chocolate croissants.

More lounging, reading in the park, and finally the good news that I had a ride to boston with Matthew and Maria. Made it home (that's when the peein roommate incident happened) and now I'm still trying to catch up on sleep.

Great weekend though. Great people there. Planning on going back in June. Chicago is in a month!!


At 10:17 PM, Blogger Calley said...

What's all this vaguery...going to change after five religion? hair color? tell me!
I'm so glad you posted pictures of NY, I've been waiting for them. You always have the best time. And eat the best things. And still stay skinny and I want to throw up all over you. Now tell me your hopes and dreams. The END!


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