music machinery, verbal wizardry

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Oh this is typical. I make plans to do something (King Kahn and BBQ Show) but now it's getting down to it and I really don't want to trek to Allston in the 34 degree weather. Will I regret it if I don't go? Probably. Do I care that much at the moment? Not really.

Weekend, weekend, why must you be over? Why must my laundry and grocery shopping still not be done and why must the apartment still be a mess? Wasn't I supposed to do these things?

I did other things instead. I stayed home alone most of Friday drinking Paulaner double bock until Caitlin came home and we shared the events of the evening (dates gone bad, emotional freakouts) Hunter came over eventually and we all stayed up too late because it's a great idea to watch Arrested Development at 2am.

After sleeping in late (noon?!) it was Jazz Brunch time and then I convinced Hunter that we should lay around in the dark watching Anthony Bourdain dvds. This time we got to see Anthony eat fermented shark in Iceland and get wasted off of rice wine in Vietnam. For all of his chain-smoking and heavy drinking and cynicism, he has the best job ever. The most exhausting job ever, but still. Iceland? 4 hours of daylight? What?!

Later that night I had sushi with Ashley and Caitlin at Blue Fin (eh) and then headed to Zuzu for another round of Soul Le Lu Jah. We met up with Hunter, Heather, Michael Pace, Laura, Ali, Andy, Liz and Nate and it was the first time in a long time that I've seen all of those faces in the same room. It was great.

This morning we met up with Laura in Inman to test out the East Coast Grill's brunch. It was creative in flavor and presentation and at some point I thought I was going to die from overstimulation (guava paste? molasses grilled banana?) After we were sufficiently stuffed, we went to the Kendall theater to see Atonement. Although it was overdramtic at times (mostly the fog around Kiera Knightley in the "dream sequence") it was an enjoyable film. I give it a B+.

And now I'm here. Buried in a blanket. Wondering how I'm going to get to Charlestown tomorrow.

Did I ever discuss the Richard Hawley show we went to on Tuesday? It was great. Really really great. I took a bunch of pictures from the same angle, so they're all similar but here are my favorites:

Even though the next week is going to be great, it brings me one week closer to Christmas. In Boston. Alone. Thankfully Nellie will be around too, so I will only be mostly alone, but in general I'm not sure what I'll do with myself. It's going to be interesting...


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