Forever Indebted
Last night Ian and I each paid $150 to see Shout Out Out Out Out and Cassette.
While the stress of trying to figure out what the hell we were gonna do took a little away from my actual enjoyment of the show, I think everyone there had a good time. And I learned to use the fake DJ equipment that makes you look like you're Djing with vinyl! And I drank too much.
So I think I need to take a little time off from putting on shows (not that I even put on that many.) It's pretty frustratiing to do everything right (press, promotion etc) and still not get the turn out you were hoping for, but thems the breaks I guess. Maybe when I win the lottery I will return...
Cassette sans pants:
oooo Nate oooooo
Shout Out Out Out Out
No fun Ian??
Taking a break from journal writing
Oh, and this is Andy's steak. I'm just throwing this in for fun
I leave for Austin in 2 days! Six Flags on Sunday! Warm weather! Jessica Toon! Imperial Teen! It doesn't get much better (well maybe if H. was coming with me. aghghghghgh)
great pics
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