music machinery, verbal wizardry

Friday, February 23, 2007

Last month my friend Mollie Casey posted a bulletin looking for suggestions for a new hip hop lifestyle channel her company was working on. I guess HustleTV was taken, so they needed something else.. I scoured internet hip hop dictionaries and sent her some ideas and I'm happy to say that one of of my ideas, FlowTV was chosen. Unfortunately, one of the producers came up with the same idea, so I don't get all the piles of gifts I was promised if they picked me. It's gonna be on 40 million TV in a few months, so if you need me, I'll be at home crying in front of my television and screaming "IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME!!!!"

Or something.

Tonight I'm picking up a pile of Shout Out Out Out Out posters for a postering date with Laura tomorrow. Then it's off to Sommerville for Cat's B-day, followed by some dancing The Pill.

Also on the agenda this weekend:
returing to the gym with a guilty look on my face
Little Brazil, Via Audio and Mohair
blah blah blah

Next week is insane:
training for RadioYou
Andrea in town
Mason Proper in town
NYC because Melissa and Sean are in town
mental breakdown

Ben King said he's gonna come visit, possibly next month. I am ecstatic. I will buy bottles of whiskey and polish my copy of The Shape of Punk to Come for ultimate embarassing bedroom dance parties.


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