music machinery, verbal wizardry

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Ahhh the simple pleasure of spending your last day of vacation watching True Life: I'm a Staten Island Girl while stuffing your face with crumbled Christmas cookies and trying to find new places for your newly acquired belongings..

My luggage finally arrived at about 10pm last night, after a few days of constantly calling Alaska Airlines, cursing under my breath and reminding myself that the employee on the other end of the line is not out to purposefully ruin my day. But yes, my things are returned.. broken hairdryer and crumbled cookies and all.

New Years was a good time.. our low-key party of a few close friends swelled into a mid-key party with a few close friends and their close friends and their close friends.. We all cheered at midnight and the champagne flowed and kisses were exchanged.. and ehhh maybe some wax was poured over the table and some glasses were broken and I may have spent half the night with a bottle of Resolve in my hand to stamp out red wine stains, but it was all in good fun. I think that over all, there's a general feeling that 2007 will be a good year.


At 10:15 AM, Blogger Douglas said...

you broke my hairdryer!


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