8AM Musings
I'm chaining myself to the house today for fear of spending more money I don't have. My trip to the Kitsap Mall was frightening, if only for running into my junior high friend's mom and her happen to be talking to said junior high friend on the phone and shoving the phone into my hand. So now I have her phone number, which I will likely never use. Hmmm.
The Wherehouse was having a buy-three-get-one free sale on used cds and I managed to track down the much lusted-after Lush album Lovelife. The funny thing is that I used to own Lovelife in my youth but probably hawked it to some used bin once I lost interest.. but Carl's been playing it at The Plan lately and it reminded me of how much I loved the damn thing. Also purchased: Lisa Loeb, Supergrass, The Rosebuds (I never bought their last record for some reason??) and the new Silversun Pickups which I had also failed to get a copy of. Last week in Seattle I also finally got the new King Khan and BBQ Show record that came out last month. Yesss.. I suppose that working in music completely spoils me in that I forget the art of shopping for records. Luckily I still found joy in ripping open my new purchases just as I used to. Unfortunately my mom only has a tape player, so I didn't have the pleasure of listening to them all the way home.
Last night I went to The Manette with Andrea and Heather, where we "gabbed" (really, there's no other way to put it.. it was a totally great 35-year-old-women-out-on-the-town evening) and laughed our heads off. Looks like Andrea will be joining us on the East Coast next year, which proves my theory that Boston is a big black-hole magnet for the NW.
Talked to Nate yesterday and it looks like it might be NYE at the Cave.. Honestly, I don't give a shit what I do, as long as I can wear a foofy dress and drink champagne and be around some close friends. So that's what it'll be then! Hooray!
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