music machinery, verbal wizardry

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Wild Holidays Continue

Last night I went to bed at 10pm. I tried to watch Capote, but I made the mistake of watching it in the dark, so there my mom and I were, zonked out on the couch in true Pickard women form. The only thing that makes up for the early bedtime is the early rise at 7am to drive my mom to work. See this way I have her car to attend to such things as Spending Macy's Gift Card at Kitsap Mall and Drive Around Aimlessly Wasting Time.

So far I have done neither of those things. I've watched Fast Food Nation, comtemplated never eating any food again in fear of dying a horrible death filled with heart disease and obesity, consumed a breakfast eggs and toast and tracked down my friend Calley who I haven't seen in a few years. She's married now with a daughter. When making plans we have to consider things like car seats. This makes me feel both incredibly irresponsible and incredibly thankful at the same time.

My time in Kent was well-saturated with family. Everyone asked me about my job, no one really asked me about my vegetarianism (!!!) and relationships were only brought up twice (and boy-oh-boy did they laugh with my clever zing!) My cousin Pete bought me two 12-packs of beer, only one of which I managed to drag back on the ferry, and I received praise from my Aunt Cathy for how "great" I was with baby Ella. Ella actually wasn't that impressed with me, she just has extremely ticklish feet.

Much food was eaten and I had the pleasure of watching my 50-something year old relatives begin chanting "Naughty Nog" at the Christmas dinner table so that Nancy would bring over some of her homemade, high-alcohol content nog.

An excellent Christmas I'd say. Excellent Christmas indeed.


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