music machinery, verbal wizardry

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wow oh wow @ this week. My life has been work, working out, cooking, sleep. Over and over. I'm beat. I cooked beets. I gave myself the day off from the gym once I realized it was 9pm and I was practically comatose. Gahh.

Boss is in town, and the project I've been working on FINALLY launched (4 months behind schedule.. not my fault!) so things have been especially chaotic. I dream of powerpoint.

One + about the boss being in town was getting to nag him (in person!) about the NYC move situation. And talk to him for a half hour about how to make a good pizza, but that's beside the point. Anyway, a couple of days ago, he said they were looking at 1 of 3 options regarding my move.

1. my job ends in October, and I move.
2. I move in October, my job comes with me, and they slowly transition me out.
3. I move in October and they create a new position for me which has more to do with label relationships than carrier relationships.

Obviously 2 or 3 would be ideal, 1 would cause panic. While he didn't have a final answer for me today, he seemed fairly confident that it wouldn't be #1 - especially because he's going on vacation for 2 weeks, and then I'm on vacation for a 1 1/2 weeks, and then it's practically October. So basically that means my job is coming with me (like 88% sure,) I do not have to freak out about rent etc. I'll have time to look for a new job if needed, or get to try out a new role in my company if needed.


This also means I can buy a couch, pans and whatever else I need for my new apartment. I haven't lived alone since 2002. I am going to walk around in my underwear ALL the time.

I told my mom the good job news and she proceeded to insult my decorating taste. Thanks ma! Sorry I don't like beige and light blue!

I'll show her...

Going to New York Saturday to meet my Polish landlords and look at the place again. Need to get my camera fixed! So many things to do...


At 11:03 PM, Blogger Calley said...

Hooray hooray! You'll soon be living the dream!


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