music machinery, verbal wizardry

Thursday, July 02, 2009

I attempted to go to bed early last night, but that was thwarted by lack of AC, followed by severe thunderstorms (at 4am.) The incredible amounts of rain hadn't really gotten to me until yesterday.. it came down literally all day. The storm cloud has felt like it's on top of my house.

So yeah, I'm still tired.

Gabi and I cooked dinner on Tuesday, and Jim, Kim and Andy came over to eat it.

Spinach salad with apple and gorgonzola
Sauteed brussels sprouts with caramelized pecans
Cous cous with chickpeas, zuccini, tomato, feta and cilantro

Food was good, company was good. Andy brought over the alto clarinet that he rescued from being tossed out by his school. Needs a new reed and probably some work done, but I got a few notes out.

Othere things that I've forgotten to mention: Saw Cymbals Eat Guitars with Magic Magic at GS on Monday, and Most Serene Republic last week. Saw Phoenix the week before that (blew my mind! My friend Gabby works for their label and was nice enough to get me in VIP style.)

And I saw Up finally! I didn't outwardly weep, but I did get a little teary.

Anyway, I saved the 3d glasses and punched out the lenses so that I could be as obnoxious as possible:

And, also annoying, here is me and Nate, the monster.

Tonight, against my better judgement, I'm going to Make It New (H8 techno.) Doug gets in tomorrow early afternoon. I'm going to meet him downtown and get some lunch and maybe adventure. He's staying with me Friday. Karaoke or Jay Reatard. Not sure about the 4th yet. This rain sorta ruins the excitement.


At 11:41 AM, Blogger Calley said...

Wow that salad sounds good. And you really are having apocalyptic weather out there.


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