music machinery, verbal wizardry

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

First Day of Spring

So now that S--- is over, it shall not be mentioned again until January of 2008. It's driving me crazy and it's driving you crazy. Anyway.

After being out and about WAY too much last week, I've entered into my annual week of solitude. Which is fine cause right now my insides want to be on my outsides. I suppose if this keeps up another few days I'll have to visit the doctor. How come having health insurance gives me all sorts of medical conditions out of the blue?

Last night between bleaching the bathroom and grabbing my angry stomach, I watched American Idol on good ol' Fox. It was a typical episode except for this amazing hysterical child sitting a few rows back from the stage. Brace-faced and pig-tailed, the little thing was absolutely SOBBING through the entire show. I admire her if only because during my childhood I had too much pride to be a superfan. While my friends had pictures of Devon Sawa and JTT pasted on their bedroom walls, I spent my time trying to pretend (at least to my mom) that I had no interest in boys at all. Screaming and crying was out of the question. Fainting? Yeah right. I remember going to the Champions on Ice performance in Tacoma with my mom (you know, after the Olympics with Nancy Kerrigan) and her looking at me in shock after hearing the bellowing "WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" that escaped me. She turned to me and asked "where did you learn how to do that?" and I just shrugged. I guess it was just buried somewhere underneath my pride.


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