music machinery, verbal wizardry

Friday, September 15, 2006

Indie has posted an interview with John Roderick where he explains some of the lyrics from Putting the Days to Bed. Check it out here.

I know there's something to be said for interpreting things for yourself, but honestly, I love knowing what a song is actually about... otherwise it just leads to "OMG JOHN RODERICK WROTE THIS SONG ABOUT MY LIFE" and that doesn't really help anybody.

His explanation for Hindsight is especially great.

Also, just because this quote is fucking incredible..

"I'm not really interested in describing relationships that "work." Who cares about those people, the bastards. They don't need pop songs written for them, they're busy helping each other in the kitchen and having their kid's friend's parents over for a glass of wine. What would I say? "Tupperware this, recipe that?" The people that need pop songs, the ones who pore over them, are the people asking themselves, "Why in God's name am I home listening to records on Saturday night instead of kissing someone passionately on a fire escape while the neighbor across the alley plays the saxophone?" -John Roderick (I forget where this was taken from.. forgive me)

Long Winters play Harpers Ferry in Allston on September 30th as part of NEMO.


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